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By Dave Malloy     Directed by Annie Tippe

"In a uniformly excellent cast of 8, I have to give a special shout-out to Isabel Santiago as facilitator Paula, with her perfect balance of welcoming good cheer and ever-so-slightly unnerving chilliness." - Jim Munson, Broadway World


"Not to forget anyone, but Isabel Santiago’s Paula is truly the pin holding everything together. Her instinctual knowledge of the cultish group keeps the session moving, and—like anyone who’s ever been in charge of a group that should know better—Santiago shows a brimming impatience with her charges that she’s trying to keep bottled up."- Charles Lewis III, 48 Hills Independent San Francisco News and Culture


"Tippe’s actors soar. Under the music direction of Or Matias, Isabel Santiago doesn’t just make her voice into a dagger; she twists it around inside after a stab."- Lily Janiak, DATEBOOK

By Lin-Manuel Miranda    Directed by Thomas Kail

"Isabel Santiago plays an effervescent Daniela. She's funny, flip, and flirty. When she's onstage, all eyes are on her."- Sally Bosco, CL Tampa


"Isabel Santiago has never met a song she couldn't belt out with showstopping sexuality."- Hollywood Reporter


 "Isabel Santiago is sexy and commanding as hair dresser Daniela"- Jenny Taylor Moodie, Broadway World


"High-energy "Carnival del Barrio" number, led by the electric Isabel Santiago (Daniela) sparkles"- Marco Eagle, Naples Daily New


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Little Shop Of Horrors
By Alan Menken & Miles Goodman      Directed by Jen Waldman

"Isabel Santiago gives Audrey the haunted core of the dame who is so down on her luck, she believes she's just no damn good. The soaring vocals she brings to her love duet "Suddenly Seymour" are kept in check in her establishing solo, "Somewhere That's Green". This she plays close to her heart, almost whispering the choking desire."- Ross Haarstad, Ithaca Times


"Santiago brings comic inventiveness to Audrey, as well as enormous vocal expressiveness. Her first-act solo, "Somewhere That's Green," expressing a deeply felt longing to live in a tract house, is written to mock slum girl aspirations, but Santiago delivers it with such conviction and sincerity the audience does not dare sneer."- James MacKillop, Syracuse Times


"In the iconic song "Somewhere That's Green," with its laundry list of 1950s cultural landmarks, Santiago wears Audrey's longing for a normal life on her sleeve and the result is a surprisingly moving moment."- Len Fonte, 


"Audrey's often played by a ditzy blonde, but Santiago's heartfelt portrayal make her far more substantial. In "Somewhere That's Green," she sings of her impossible fantasy — living with Seymour in a tract home with Pine-Sol scented air, TV dinners, and plastic on the furniture. This Audrey is moving and authentic, and we realize why Seymour would do anything for her."- Barbra Adams, Ithaca Journel

The New York Times

"Mrs. Reagan and her Paraguayan maid, Anita Castelo (a Razor-edged Isabel Santiago), practice nerfarious wiles worthy of the manipulative mother played by Angela Lansbury in the 1962 film " The Manchurian Candidate."- Ben Brantley, The New York Times (First Daughter Suite at The Public Theater)


"Isabel Santiago gives a warm and beautiful performance as Julie in Show Boat" - Aileen Jacobson, The New York Times 


"Then there is Cassandra, the housekeeper and resident voodoo sorcerer and psychic. She is truly the over-the-top dynamo of the cast, whose first act soliloquy matches the masterful second act discourse by Treadway. Both are scripted well by Durang and delivered with great panache. This is a lively bit of theater from the get-go, but Isabel Santiago does a couple of show-stopping turns as Cassandra that top them all. Brava señora — great theater moments, for sure. Cassandra’s effigy doll gig is a hoot."- Jim Cavener (Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, Flat Rock Playhouse)


"A sassy housekeeper named Cassandra who makes predictions no one believes and who practices voodoo is a more jarring presence. Isabel Santiago plays the role with grace and the required zest."- Aileen Jacobson, The New York Times (Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, The John W. Engeman Theater)


Emmy Award Winning episode of Dickinson, Season 2, Episode 2
"Split The Lark" 

©2023 by Isabel Santiago

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